Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Layout, Changes, and Video!

Ever since I got back to posting here, I have had this idea in my head of how I want things to look, but I could not quite figure out how to make it happen.  Still playing around with the layout of the page, trying to get it there, but still do not quite have it.  I like the colors, but the bar on the right might need some tweaking.  Also, I was thinking of a menu at the top with kind of a collection of links to various pages.  Breaking up the posts based on "How-to's" and "Projects" or some such.

Also, I am really thinking about adding video.  I have an iPad mini that has a pretty decent 1080p HD camera on it.  Maybe not as good as a dedicated video camera, but certainly good enough to get some tutorial videos up and running.  Any opinions on that? 

I think I have a camera figured out, a friend offered to loan me one until I get back to the US and can pick up a decent one of my own (they wont ship to APO, probably because of the battery). 

So, as things fall into place with getting the projects documented, I wanted to overhaul the site at the same time.  Maybe edit some old posts, clean up the tutorials I have already made.  Some other pages I have seen have elements I like that I might modify to work towards what I am thinking.  Only so much you can do with these templates.

My ultimate goal here is to have a resource like I would want to use.  Useful articles, lots of links, photos, guides, and all of the things I never managed to find (or only found after a lot of searching) all in one place, in an easily navigated format.  Mostly geared towards people that are newer to the hobby, but maybe still useful to someone who has been around for a minute. 

Feedback from anyone who reads this on what you would like to see would be awesome. 


  1. I think trying some video is a good idea as long as you don't turn the blog into a defacto youtube channel. I'd definitely recommend video for any battle reports you do though.

    1. Fair enough. The plan is mostly photo examples, but sometimes, you just need to show the process.

      Also considering a name change. "Omar's Workbench" just does not quite fit.. it was only supposed to be a place holder name originally anyway.
