Saturday, October 8, 2011

US Army Fireteam 15mm

Finished this project up and now its time to post it.

The intent with painting was to present the ACU digital pattern in 15mm, without actually DOING a digital pattern (impossible at this scale). This involved a bit of drybrushing, and the shade/wash at the end. I am content with it, but I might try playing around with it when I do the next batch if these are still not sitting well. Not that there is a problem, but if I can find a better way, you know?

As for the gear, I had originally considered doing one squad all in coyote/tan, and another all in black, but didnt think that would look right. One squad is coyote, the other is a mix of coyote and black. Want to get the goggle covers in a color other than black next time.

For the bases, I am happy with the desert basing for now. Simple, looks about right, helps them blend but doesnt take the focus away from the figures.

Now, for pictures. Painting details at the bottom.

Full Fireteam + Medic

Fireteam Leader



Squad Leader



Painting Guide:
Rebel Miniatures US Army
Primer - Krylon Grey
Skin - Flat Flesh
Uniform Base - Grey Green
Dry Brush - Bone White
Dry Brush (VERY easy DB) - German Camo Beige
Boots - 1/2 Desert Yellow 1/2 Khaki
Guns - Greman Grey
Packs (Coyote) - Rucksack Tan (P3 paint)
Packs (Black) - Black
Goggles - Black
Chin Strap - Reflective Green
Dip/Shade (painted on) - Army Painter Strong Tone

Glue Gravel on (preferably before you apply primer)
Apply Country Tan (Apple Barrel 'cheap' paints)
Woodland Scenics Earth Undercoat
Drybrush - Bone White
Static Grass - DP9 "Arid"
Black Outline (colors for special figures)

After all of that I apply a layer of Testors Dullcote.

Also, because I got them done at the same time, my two contractors are finished as well:

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