Wednesday, August 10, 2011

.. and the painting begins

After sorting through my paints, making sure I had the basics necessary, I finally started actually painting again. Got a flesh coat on two Grenadier platoons, plus my HQ. Really need to find an art supply store similar to Meininger's in town. My 3/0 brush has seen better days and I am missing a few of my ink's I use for washing.

Still no pictures. I am having to rely on my girlfriends phone to get decent pictures. Looks like a camera might be necessary soon.

My goal is to have both platoons and the HQ painted, washed, and sealed by Saturday. Finishing the bases would be a bonus, but for some reason I dont really expect it to happen. Maybe I should set that as my goal instead?

Got the airbrush out a few days back. Looking to sell one of the ones I have, as three are unnecessary. Once the Grenadiers are done, I will start playing with camo schemes again for the armor. Nothing fancy there, probably just the standard Dark Yellow base (already on) with brown/green airbrushed lines across it.

I really need a camera.

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