Thursday, August 11, 2011


Found a local art supply store that is probably going to be my regular stop for odds and ends I need. Stopped in at Posners Art Store today, picked up a few brushes, and had a conversation with the manager (I think?) about their future with stocking airbrushes. They seem to be heading towards Iwata, which I encouraged. Either way, got my ink ordered (for washes), a few new brushes on the cheap, and for a really good price.

No painting done yet, but I did get my pioneers bases done with a layer of wall-filler. Plan to do the barbed wire and other misc "pioneer" items before I prime them, so they will probably stay as they are for awhile.

While looking for a photo of a Nebelwerfer to figure out how to paint the thing I noticed that I left part of the model off. There is a little round thing with two bars leading away that goes on the front to brace it. I will worry about that tomorrow, but glad I saw it when I did.. still time to fix it. Now, to chance tearing up the fill on the base to pry the launchers off so I can add that part and paint in the proper color (Middlestone, or a dark yellow), or just glue them on and paint as is. Probably will just leave it and add them on and hope for the best.

Got a photo of the work table, for anyone that might be interested.

Paints sorted, lights set up, minis ready.  Now, to get to work!

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